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Franklin County: David Demus to Mary Jane Demus, January 17, 1865

Demus writes to his wife about exchanging family pictures.

A picture of a U.S. flag below the words "Union and the Constitution."

Mary Jane Demus

Jenary the 17th/65

Morris iland
south Carlina
Camp 54th Mass Volln

Mi Dear tru love

a happy i feall to heave the pleser of seting Mi Celf Donw to inform you that i am Well at present and hope Whean thes fu lines Reach you that tha ma find you in the sam state of healte

Mi Dear i jest got yor Dear letter and i thot it was imposable for the Male to leave With out Riten a few lines to you and teling you Now all that i Cod but i am sorry to saw that i Cant tell you eny thing a bout the bose fer i heave Not hird frum them for som time but the last tim that i hard tha was all well and dowing well

but i hope a [unclear: gansts] the Nex letter i Rite Wiy i Can tell you all a Bout the bose i heave got one letter frum John since i Cam back and he sed that he Was puting oup Winter Quarter then and i Rot back a gan but i heave Not hird frum him yet

but give Mi best Respts to Marry and tell hir that i think she has forgout Me since i left [illeg.] heave bean loking in every Male for hear likeness or fer a letter but i [unclear: Cant] a letter or hir likeness but tell her that i Will Waite a While longe and if it Dont Cum then Wiy i Will heaft to Cum hom a gane to get it and tell lisabeth that she Neaden think that i heave for goten har likenes yet but i hope whean the Nex Male Cum in Wiy tha Ma be the letter for Me With all yor likeness in and tell Bobe Rite that Capton Crane Was Kil in the battel of [unclear: huny] hill so i heave not got to see eny of the offers yet a bout it but as son as tha Cum back Wiy i Will go Donw and see theam a bout it and then i Will Rit and let him Now all i Can a bout it

a Mi Dear tru love i am verry sorry that i heaft to clos Mi sort letter fer it is time for Me to open the store Now it is tow a clock that is Mi tim to open the Dorse but Neuthing Mor at but still Reman

yor Dear husben

D.A. Demus

to his Dear Wife Marry J. Demus a Mi Dear tru tru love a how happy i feall Whean Whean i get yor Dear littel hand Rite up how lovely it [illeg.][illeg.][illeg.] rite to the sam places

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