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Franklin County: David Demus to Mary Jane Demus, May 4, 1865

Demus tells his wife that he expects to leave camp around June 1 and return home soon thereafter.

"The New York Branch of
The U.S. Christian Commission,
30 Bible House, New York.
Send this as the Soldier's Messenger to his home.
Let it haste to those who wait for tidings."

Mr. David A. Demus
Mrs. Marry Ja. Demus.
Charlston City
to Mercer Burgh Franklin Conty Mary Jane Demus

May the 4th 1865

Co K Regt 54 State Vols Mass Div 10th Corps
Camp 54th mass volinters
saint andru parris
Charston sity


"The New York Branch of
The U.S. Christian Commission,
30 Bible House, New York.
Send this as the Soldier's Messenger to his home.
Let it haste to those who wait for tidings."

i tak this present of tim of Dropig you a fu lins State to you how i am geting a long I am happy to say that I am geting a long very Well and i Wod lik if you Wod Righe son fer fear i May starte for home and if you Dou Righte Wiy you Nead Not send Me Eny thing fer [unclear: Fire] i Wont get it Fer i am geting Mi Paper Made out Now and i think that I Will leave Camp about the First of June and i Dont think that it Will tak verry long till i Can get all Mi things Pick oup and then We Nead Not trubbl ar Celf a bout Righting so Much fer Whean you get to se Mi Fase a gane Wiy it Will to [unclear: Never] Com home to With out you or With Me and i think if i get home Now Wiy i Can Mak a Nuff to Ceap you and I for a while eny how and i hope Whean thes Fu lines Reach you Dear husd that tha May Find you Well and us [unclear: tha] Can Me Nothing Mor at present But still Reman yor [unclear: Fetch] Frend and [unclear: trulavery] and Dear husben untill Death

I hope you give Mi best Rests to all the quirn Frends and Mi best For yor Celf and lisabeth and Dad you Must excus Me for Righen so Much and you heaft to py for them fer i heave Not got eny stamps

Nothing Mor at present But still Reman

yor Dear husben

David A. Demus

to his Dear Wife
Mrs Mary Jane Demus
Mi dear you Neade Not Righe eny Mor after you get this letter Riten With Read ink and after that if I Dont get home Wiy I Will Righe you a letter and tell you Whear i am

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