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Franklin County: David Demus to Mary Jane Demus, April 18, 1864

Demus describes his regiment's movement from Jacksonville, Florida, to Morris Island, South Carolina. He also urges his wife to stop working as soon as he can send her his army pay.

Mary Jane Demus

Aprile the 18th 1864

Morres iland South Carlina


i take this present tim to rite you thes fu lines to let you now that i am Well at present and i hope Whean thes fu lines reach you tha ma finde you in the same state of healte i thot i Wod rite and let you now that We heafe move move back to morris iland and We lefte Jack svill on the 14th of Aprile and We landed hear last nighte it rane all day and all nighte but ar Curel got us in to hoses to stay all nighte and he Wente and bote a hole lot of [unclear: Can] [unclear: sope] and We had a grate super and then i strips of mi Wet Close and Wente to bed and i Cod not seape mutch but i got oup in the mornen and i fell a littel bad but as son as i got mi Close dride i felt better i Cant tell how how long i Will bear hear but you Can rite as son as you Can and direct yor letter to morris iland south Carlina i Wish that you Wod let me now Whear John has to move tow and let me now how large the hose is fer if i donte get hom in a sort tim Wiy i Wante you to go and stay With John fer i Will be pade of in a sorte tim and then i Want you to stope Working out fer i now that you Cant stande it mutch longer and tha have move us out of the [unclear: deaner] untill We get pade of or be sent home and if tha pay us Wiy i Will send it all home i had rote som tow or the letter but tha sed that tha Wod not go with out poaste stamps and i had non to poot on them and i hope that you Will send me som if you Can get them and if you Cante Wiy you must rite often i now must bring mi letter to a Close bi biden you good nighte nothing more at present but still remane

yor Dear husben


David Demus to Marry Demus

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