Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: David Demus to Jacob Christy, December 24, 1863

Demus reports that his head wound is getting better and expresses his regret that Jacob had to sell his sheep.

Jacob Christy

Decmber the 24th 1863

Morris iland South Carlina

i tak this optuity to in form you that i amd Well at present and hope that thes fu lynes ma find you in the sam state of healte i think it a long tim to get to se you a gane but i hope that i Will get to se you be for long a gane i heird that you sole yor sheaps i am sorry to it fer i hope that Will get som a gane i get hom a gane but Whean i Cum but i am happy to say i have got a long verry Well so far mi head is geting better but it Wonte get Well but i Wont stay out much longer fer the Wether is verry Cold hear now and We ar in the hottes parte of the south and it has bean as Cold hear as it Was at hom We ar on an iland and the Watter dus ron all a rond us that is the [unclear: reaces] that it is so Cold heare but i mus bring mi letter to a Close i have not got tim to rite you a large letter this but pleas to rite son give mi love to all the frends

David demes to Jacop Cristy

Merris burgh

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