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Franklin County: David Demus to Mary Jane Demus, January 9, [1864?]

Demus says he hopes to come home soon and have a doctor put a piece a silver in his wounded head.

Mary Jane Demus

Jenary the 9th 1863

Morris iland south Carlina

Mi Dear

it is With the grates of pleaser that I tak this optuity to in form you that I am Well at Present and i hope Whean thes fu lines Com to hand tha ma find you in the grates of pleas i Wod a rote sonner but i Was Disaponte i starte home fer me and Jacop A Watson Was to git ar forlow a boute too Weaks a go and We never got them yet but i am loking for them day after to morrow and you nead not to rite till you get a nether letter fer i ma be hom in too Weaks but i Cant tell you how son but i havte got a letter from you fer five Weeks abut i thot mabey you Was so bisey that you had not time to rite but i hope that i Will find you Well Whean i Dow Com i got a letter frum John and he say that he dont now Waot to dou but tell him to stay at hom fer i am Coming hom to stay i am not able to [unclear: stan] the armey since i Was Wonded the [unclear: least] thing for mi hed but i think if i get hom and go to docter harmen Wiy i Con get a peas of silver poot on the hole Wiy i think that it Will get Well i must bring mi letter to a Close by sending you a sweat kiss good nighte give mi love to all [illeg.] frend

yor Dear husben

David Andred Demus

to Mrs Mrs Marrey Jane Demes
the lily of the flore

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