The Valley of the Shadow

Freedmen's Bureau: Education

The encouragement and promotion of education among the newly freed population was one of the Bureau's most important functions. Letters pertaining to education touch on almost all aspects of early efforts to build schools, education youth and adult members of the community, and the duties and activities of the teachers who taught in Augusta County. Some of these letters contain statistics about the number of students, while others are requests for financial assistance from the Bureau.

Race Relations | Violence | Family | Education | Monthly Reports | Employment/Labor | Mediation | Legal System | Public Welfare | Politics | Loyalty | Church | Franklin County | Administration/Bureaucracy | Tukey Case | Miscellaneous

Race Relations | Violence | Family | Education | Monthly Reports | Employment/Labor | Mediation | Legal System | Public Welfare | Politics | Loyalty | Church | Franklin County | Administration/Bureaucracy | Tukey Case | Miscellaneous

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