Franklin County: Jacob <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, August 10, 1864 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> is glad that his sister and family did not incur any harm or
damage during the Confederate raid of Chambersburg. He expresses frustration that the
Union soldiers in and around the city were not able to stop the Confederate forces and
suggests that his company easily could have prevented the raid. <em>christy</em> also comments on
the treatment of black prisoners of war and on the unequal pay of African-American
soldiers. Mary Jane Demus August the 10th 1864 Morris...
Franklin County: Samuel <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, April 4, 1864 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> writes to his sister with an update on the various illnesses
and wounds received by their friends during a battle at Olustee, Florida, in February
1864. Mary Jane Demus Aprile the 4th 1864 Jacson ville Florida My dear sister I take my
pen in hand to inform you that i am well at present and all the rest of the boys is well
Joe was wondid a littel in the head but he is well a gane and he is so big and fat you
would harly now him if you would see him Jake is well and...
Franklin County: Samuel <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, May 9, 1863 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> writes that he expects to be in North Carolina soon. He also
promises to send money home. Mary Jane Demus May the 9th 1863 My Dear Sister i have took
my pen in han to let you no that i am well and i hope that thes fu lines may find you
injoyen the same state of health and the rest of the days that ar in Camp ar well give
my love to all the rest of the frens you can tell them that we ar all well and ar giten
along verry well and we expect to move soon to north carl...
Franklin County: Samuel <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, May 14, 1864 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> reports on friends who have been killed or wounded. He also
asks about whether a railroad is being built between Greencastle and Mercersburg. Mary
Jane Demus May the 14th 1864 Morris Island south Carelina My Deare sister it is with the
grates of pleaser that i take this oper cunity to in form you that we a all well at
present and i hope thes fue lins may find you all in joyen the same state of health give
my love and best respecks to father and to liebreth and to ...
Franklin County: William <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, August 2, 1863 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> reports on the men wounded during the attack on Fort Wagner,
including Demus' husband, David. Mary Jane Demus August the 2th 1863 Dear sister i take
my pen in hand to inform to you that i well at present and all the reste of us but Jacob
he is wonded in the arm We wer on sant James island on the 16 of July the revel advds on
our tickets Cefrdlight we all arose and formed a lin the artilery opend fier on them and
drov them bak we left the island that night and on t...
Franklin County: Joseph <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, April 27, 1865 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> talks about killing Confederates, burning houses, and
transporting slaves to freedom in the final days of the war. Mary Jane Demus Aprile the
27th 1865 George town, S.C. My Dear sister i take my pen in hand to in form you that We
ar All Well at present and I hope thes fue lins may find you all Well When i gut your
letter i Was on Bord of the steem boat Coming from savannah to georgetown and When i gut
thear i set my self down to Ancer it and the nix thing i heard ...
Franklin County: David Demus to Mary Jane Demus, February 8, 1865 Context: ...
Demus talks about the difficulties he has encountered in getting paid
and the resulting conflict with his wife. Mary Jane Demus Febury the 8th 1865 Morris
iland I Receve yor kind letter this Mornen and it fond Me Well But I hope Whean thes fu
lines Reach you tha Ma find Well But i am verry sorry that i heave Desturb yor Mind so
Much just on a Cont of Me try to Mak Mi Celf Big But as you Rot in the last letter Wiy I
hoppe that you Will forgive Me for What i heave Dun and Now i Will...
Franklin County: Jacob <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, May 29, 1865 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> describes his interactions with former Confederates while in
Charleston, South Carolina. Mary Jane Demus May the 29th 1865 St. Andrews Parish Camp of
the 54th Mass Vols Dear sister I receive your letter dated may the 15th your kind letter
found us all well I hope this letter will find you all well we are garrisons two fort
now we are drilling on large cannons now we aint dueing much of anything now thay are
agreat many men giting their Discharges out of our Regime...
Franklin County: William <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, October 24, 1863 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> inquires about the garden at home and predicts that he will
not return home anytime soon. Mary Jane Demus october the 24 1863 My Der sister i take
my pen inhande to inform you that we are all well at presnt and i hope that thes few
lins may find you in the same state of helhe Daved is geting Well george is Well at
present but We are in the sandey south We are on morres island yet and we donte know how
long we will stay i saw Willey Christey abut amonh ago he was w...
Franklin County: Jacob <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, March 2, 1864 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> reports on friends and family killed in a recent battle. He
also mentions that Demus' husband, David, wants to send her two oranges. [Image of the
Union Flag with the words "Long may it wave!" written underneath.] Mary Jane Demus March
the 2 1864 Jacksonvill Florid My Dear Sister I receive your letter to Day We have been
in a fight And Willaim was Wounded verry badly Joseph was Wounded but not verry bad The
rebels was to many for us and we had to fall back the reb...
Franklin County: David Demus to Elizabeth <em>christy</em>, September 4, 1863 Context: ...
Demus is grateful for having survived a recent battle. Elizabeth
<em>christy</em> SC Stemb the 4th 63 mi dear i take mi Pen in hand to inform you that i am Well
at Present i hope that thes fu lines ma find you the same state of healt i Was glad to
hear from you and all the rest i that that i Wod setdown to tel you what i have sean
sins i left home i most tel you that thar is now plase like home but must tell you that
I have bean verry Well tritted sins i left home i have bean in b...
Franklin County: Jacob <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, [no date] Context: ...
<em>christy</em> writes to his sister about sending him a picture of herself.
Mary Jane Demus please to cen me your likeness and Elizeberth cend hers to pleas to rite
soon and direct your letter to Compy J 54 Mass volen Morris Island by the way of Port
Royal S.C. Jacob E. <em>christy</em> Mary Jane Demus ...
Franklin County: Samuel <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, March 14, 1865 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> reports that his regiment is in good health and describes the
peach trees around them in Savannah. Mary Jane Demus March 14th 1865 Savannah My Dear
sister i take my pen in Hand to inform you that We ar All Well at present and i hope
that When thes fue lins Coms to hands that thay may find you in good health We ar in
Savannah now and i think that We Will be thear all sumer We Was in Charleston a While
and We left and Went to savannah i Would have Wrote sooner but i...
Franklin County: Samuel <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, June 19, 1863 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> describes seizing food and farm animals before burning down a
town near St. Simon's Island, Georgia. Mary Jane Demus June the 19 1863 My dear sister i
have took My pen in hand to inform you that i am well at present and i hope that you ar
in joyen the same state of health give my love to all the rest of the frends you Can
tell them that i am on saint simons Island georgia we was on the sea seven days befor we
gut to Camp and after we weas thear one day we went out...
Franklin County: Jacob <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, May 13, 1864 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> talks about the Confederate torpedos that blew up a Union
ship recently. He also expresses frustration at not having been paid and says he and
other soldiers in the 54th MA will continue to fight for the same rights that white
people have. Mary Jane Demus May the 13th 1864 Morris Island South Carolina Dear Sister
I take my pen in hand to inform to you that I am Well and I hope these few lines may
find you the same We are all well at preasant And are geting along v...
Franklin County: John M. <em>christy</em> to David Demus, November 19, [1863?] Context: ...
<em>christy</em> writes to his relative, David Demus, with news from home,
including the births of children and the difficulties plowing land. David Demus November
the 19 1863 My deer frend I recived your letter this nigt and Was very glad to see it I
red it and toke My pen in hand a gain to re turn thanks to your agan I am Besey poughing
now in the hardest ground I ever saw n the solders tramped it as hard as hell tuff claw
and stoney As the Devel ther is nothing but hard worke f...
Franklin County: John M. <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, October 10, 1864 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> describes recent fighting near Petersburg and Richmond,
Virginia. He also mentions that his regiment's conduct earned the praise of officers.
Mary Jane Demus october the 10 1864 My Deear I take My pen in hand to in forme you that
I am well at present all excepten I have the cold putey Bad I hope thes Lines May find
you the same I recivd your Leter the 7th and Now I take My pen in hand again to Let you
now What fun We had We Left front of peters burg in the evening...
Franklin County: David Demus to Mary Jane Demus, February 24, 1864 Context: ...
Demus describes a recent battle in Florida where a number of men in
his regiment were killed, including his brother-in-law, William <em>christy</em>. Mary Jane Demus
feber the 24th 1864 florady Jackson vill this Day I tak mi Pen in hand to inform you
that i am Well at presen and i hope Whean thes fu lines reach you tha ma finde you in
the sam state of healte i am sorry to relate the hard tim that We had We have left
morris iland and we landde in the state of florad and We all have...
Franklin County: Jacob <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, May [?], 1863 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> writes to his sister, Mary Jane Demus, soon after enlisting
in the 54th Massachusetts. He comments on the challenges of learning about military
discipline. Mary Jane Demus Dear sister i take my pen in hand to inform to you that I am
well and all the rest of them are well we are very well pleas with soildieren but we
wont have it so easy when we leave Boston we spect to leave about the first of June and
it may be sooner for what we know for the rigiment is nearly f...
Franklin County: Samuel <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, September 3, 1864 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> offers updates on how the men from home are doing in the army
and mentions that he is still waiting to be paid. Mary Jane Demus September 3rd 1864
Block Island South Carolina Dear sister i take my pen in hand to Let you now that i am
Well At present and i hope thes fu Lins may find you injoying the Same state of health
all the rest of the boys is Well at present and Sends thear love to you all and all So
my love to your self and to father and to Elizebeth and to a...
Franklin County: Samuel <em>christy</em> to Family, July 10, 1864 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> asks how the family is doing and says that there is talk of
being allowed to return home soon. Family July the 10 1864 Morris Island S.C. My Dear
frends it is With the grates of pleaser that I take this opportunity to inform you that
We ar all Well At present and i hope thes Fu lins may find you all in Joying the same
state of health thay ar fighting all a round us But We Have not bean fighting Enny since
i Wrote to you be Fore i hope i Will see you all Wonce more...
Franklin County: Jacob <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, July 2, 1864 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> updates his sister on the welfare of her brothers and her
husband. He also expresses frustration that his regiment has not been paid, especially
given how hard he and his comrades have fought. Mary Jane Demus July the 2 1864 Morris
Island South Carolina Dear Sister I take this preasant Opertunity to inform a few lines
to you that I am well At present hopeing these few lines may find you all well I receive
your Letter and was verry glad to hear from you all once mo...
Franklin County: David Demus to Jacob <em>christy</em>, December 24, 1863 Context: ...
Demus reports that his head wound is getting better and expresses his
regret that Jacob had to sell his sheep. Jacob <em>christy</em> Decmber the 24th 1863 Morris
iland South Carlina i tak this optuity to in form you that i amd Well at present and
hope that thes fu lynes ma find you in the sam state of healte i think it a long tim to
get to se you a gane but i hope that i Will get to se you be for long a gane i heird
that you sole yor sheaps i am sorry to it fer i hope that Will g...
Franklin County: Jacob <em>christy</em> to Mary Jane Demus, November 24, 1863 Context: ...
<em>christy</em> writes about his disappointment at not being paid, his desire
to return home, and his frustration with the South Carolina weather. Mary Jane Demus
November the 24 1863 Morris Island South Carolina Dear Sister I take my pen in hand to
inform to you that I am at preasant and these few lines I hope will find you the same we
are all well and are geting Along verry well yet sofar We haveant receive no money yet
and from all account thay wont keep us much longer I think...